This amazing feature gives your prospects and customers the ability to instantly download your knockout digital info products … without having to program a single line of code!
KEY POINT: Because SystemSalesMachine's download links get destroyed after 24 hours, dishonest prospects and customers cannot ilegaly share your valuable digital products with their friends or colleagues.
Just Take These 3 Easy Steps … And You're Done!
Step #1: Name your digital product and add it to your shopping cart.
Step #2: Click the UPLOAD DIGITAL PRODUCT link.
Step #3: Upload your digital product to the SystemSalesMachine server.
It's that simple! Until SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard, there was no way to deliver your information over the Internet without spending a lot of programming time.
Before SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard, you had to pay an IT specialist hundreds of dollars in programming fees to upload each digital product for you. But now, those IT programming fees are no longer necessary!
SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard saves you time and money. It does all the work for you in less than 60 seconds.
Click here to see why critics give two thumbs up.
Your digital products become easy to produce, cost effective to download and can generate insane amounts of profit with relatively no work on your part.
BENEFIT #1: "Makes digital information products quick and easy to download with any browser"
- If you can convert your publication into any of the excellent eBook formats available on the market today (even Adobe Acrobat™ PDF), then you can integrate Digital Download Wizard. Absolutely nothing on the Net is easier to use than SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard.
BENEFIT #2: "Allows your prospects and customers to download any info product with zero cost to you!"
- Just sign-up for SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard from the Pro Package option.

- Uploading and downloading unlimited numbers of digital products will cost you absolutely nothing … and you'll never need to worry about paying for storage space or more bandwidth with your Web Host!
You'll see nothing but pure profit and who could ever complain about that, right?
BENEFIT #3: "Integrates with any printed eBook software, PDF compiler or audio files so you don't have to pay an extra penny on programming!"
- Forget about high-cost programming charges that eat away at your profit margins! Forget about hunting for expensive IT specialist. SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard does all the work for you.

- Your prospects and customers instantly download your eBook, audio or video files(from any Internet Browser) without costing you a penny!

BENEFIT #4: "Allows prospects and customers to download top-quality digital presentations... even while you sleep!"
- SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard provides the kind of versatility that will allow you to be as creative as you like, but 100% hands-free.

- Automation is your key to success on the Internet and our Digital Download Wizard gives you the freedom to automate the sales of your quality info products, with the win-win combination of no-cost, hands-free and instant delivery!
Look, at this moment, you're only one click away from making SystemSalesMachine's Digital Dowload Wizard your packaging solution for almost any publication (e-zine, newsletter, book, catalogue, audio presentation, video presentation, etc.) that you want to distribute over the Internet.
Digital Download Wizard Fattens Your Bottom-Line Fast
SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard is the world's smartest "eBook/Audio file" integrator because it seamlessly works with ANY eBook software such as Cory Rudl's eBook Pro™, Adobe Acrobat™, Armand Morin's eBook Generator™, Real Audio™ files, and even video files up to 4 megs in size!
Click here for a 4-week test-drive for only $3.95!
So if you've ever considered delivering digital information products to your prospects and customers on the Net, then it makes good business sense to give SystemSalesMachine's Digital Download Wizard a fair try for 4 weeks.
Here's a partial list of all the benefits you get:
- Integrates ANY eBook software or PDF compiler so your prospects and customers can download info products quickly and easily

- Keeps files stored for you on another server so those files do not take up any space on your web server

- Delivers files via high bandwidth servers and does NOT use your web hosting account's bandwidth (up to 4 megs at one time!)

- Allows for upload of ANY type of digital eBook file type: *.ebk, *.pdf, *.doc, *.txt, *.zip, etc

- Securely delivers the file to your prospects and customers instantly upon credit card authorization

- Gives you, or your customers access to the files only from the computer they ordered from for a 24 hour period

- Allows customizing of the email confirmation with SystemSalesMachine's autoresponder module
Click here to see SystemSalesMachine's Autoresponder System features.
- Approves orders automatically have the customers email address subscribed to an autoresponder from your SystemSalesMachine system.

- Allows for real-time processing or offline processing allowing your merchant to manually approve each order one-by-one

- Distributes pin numbers/passwords etc. (Great for phone card offers!)

- And much, much more!!!
Sign up for SystemSalesMachine's remarkable Digital Download Wizard and take advantage of our
4-week test drive for only $3.95!

So what are you waiting for? Click here to get started now!
